Standing in Solidarity: Supporting Peace and Humanitarian Relief

As you may be aware, The UHNW Institute has consistently offered resources for our members during times of conflict and emergency need – be it a wildfire in Hawaii, a weather-related act of nature or a conflict between nations. The recent attack by Hamas on Israel and the continued violence in the region that has resulted from it are devastating, and we mourn the loss of innocent lives in both Israel and Palestine, including the Americans among those who perished.

We recognize that members of our UHNW Institute community are likely affected by the horrible acts that have occurred since Saturday, October 7th,  and our thoughts are with you. In a complex world, it is in moments like these where commitment to respect, understanding and empathy and how we model those values with our clients becomes most critical. We must remain acutely conscious of the profound histories, pain and aspirations that are interwoven in this conflict and recognize the weight of emotions that drive behaviors.

The Institute’s Social Impact and Philanthropy domain recommends the list of organizations below that provide humanitarian relief and aim to promote peace and reconciliation. Please reach out if you or your clients have specific questions or a more direct need.


The Social Impact & Philanthropy Domain, The UHNW Institute

Humanitarian Relief:

Peace and Reconciliation:

  • Provide an intellectual framework, understanding and organization of family wealth management content
  • Educate advisors and family offices on how best to support evolving UHNW families
  • Provide thought leadership, insights and resources to advisors and family offices
  • Promote best practices, provide professional development and support sustainable, positive change within our industry
  • Foster an equitable, collaborative and safe learning environment within the wealth management industry