Celebrating Pride Month with The UHNW Institute

At the UHNW Institute, Diversity Equity and Inclusion is a principal initiative that helps shape our programming, events content and community. This month, in celebration of Pride, we would like to recognize the LGBTQ+ community by showcasing some important organizations and resources you, your firm, and/or your client families might find useful to help expand knowledge and deepen understanding.


As a reminder our new webinar series, Building Advisory Skills with Nontraditional Clients and their Families: How to Assist LGBTQ+ Issues with Sensitivity and Courage, launches this Thursday, June 27. This four-part series is intended to promote awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues as they relate to the families we serve and how firms may incorporate the knowledge alongside the Ten Domains of family wealth. Learn more about the series, here.


Lastly, we encourage members to recommend their favorite resources and share their experiences as it relates to LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality within our Community Forum, here.


The Institute recognizes the differing viewpoints of individuals within our member firms and their client families and is dedicated to encouraging environments that foster clear, healthy communication, understanding and inclusion.



The Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning for Modern Families, 4th Edition by Stephen R. Leimberg, Wendy S. Goffe and Kim Kamin


This updated edition of a widely-used resource discusses estate planning issues with a particular focus on how they apply to modern families. It moves from a basic estate planning overview to a discussion of the unique issues in today’s modern families. It also includes tax issues, premarital and relationship formalization considerations, lifetime estate planning options and other topics for nontraditional, blended and other family configurations.


Relevant Chapters:

·     Chapter 4: Planning for Polyamorous Relationships

·     Chapter 6: Planning for Same-Sex Married Couples

·     Chapter 7: Planning for Unmarried Couples

·     Chapter 9: Planning for Transgender Family Members



If unmarried, planning is paramount for LGBTQ+ community by Anna Soliman, Trust Counsel and John S. Traynor, CFP®, CPWA®, Relationship Manager, Senior Wealth Planner at Fiduciary Trust International

Estate planning expert Anna Soliman and financial planning expert John Traynor offer answers to key questions commonly asked by unmarried members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Must-Know Estate Planning Tips to Share with Your LGBTQ+ Supporters by Lynn M. Gaumer, J.D. at Stelter

Estate planning is critical for everyone and especially important for members of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community who face unique challenges with their estate plans and end-of-life care. Discover important estate planning considerations for the LGBTQ+ community.


One personal decision can create a mess of financial challenges for transgender Americans—’it takes a lot of courage’ by Kamaron McNair by CNBC covering Transgender adults face daunting challenges in financial, legal and estate planning by JP Morgan Wealth Management

No discussion of diverse clientele and modern families would be complete without discussing the challenges facing the transgender community, but those challenges largely fall outside the traditional framework of planning. The paper addresses these practical—and fundamental—challenges before turning to a discussion of more traditional planning topics. Because transgender persons are far more likely to be marginalized, that discussion is not at the forefront of our examination of topics relevant to this community.



Pride365 Podcast by Dr. Dustin Nowaskie, Pride365plus.com 

A podcast hosted by Dr. Dustin Nowaskie featuring different subject matter experts on topics imperative to the LGBTQ+ community.

Highlighted Episodes:

Changing Perspectives: Generational Differences in the LGBTQ+ Community

Creating Welcoming Environments: Inclusive Language


The Rainbow Bull by Tim Volk, T. Volk and Co Consulting

Finding peace of mind through shared wealth experiences – Hear stories of financial triumph and transformation.

Highlighted Episodes:

Inclusive Wealth Strategies: Alignment & Communication in Multi-Generational Wealth

Why Inclusive Families Flourish

The Critical Importance of Estate Planning With Scott Squillace



Funders for LGBTQ Issues – 3 Year Strategy

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is a network of more than 100 foundations, corporations and funding institutions that collectively award more than $1 billion annually, including approximately $200 million specifically devoted to LGBTQ issues.


National Center for Transgender Equality

The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination and violence with empathy, opportunity and justice.


Pride 365 – pride365plus.com

Helping people live healthier lives and helping make the health system work better for everyone. We strive to create equitable, affirming and supportive environments for our LGBTQ+ members and their families by providing services and resources delivered with dignity, kindness and respect by our knowledgeable and compassionate staff. We work to educate our teams, clients and community partners regarding the LGBTQ+ population’s specific mental health and substance use challenges by providing trainings and seminars to address suicide prevention and trauma-informed care, cultural competencies including pronouns and terminology and by growing our LGBTQ+ network of care providers.


Pride Month 2024 – History.com

Explore the origins of Pride month, learn about celebrations around the world and access other topical articles on LGBTQ+ rights and history.


The Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists

Provides mental health resources for LGBTQ+ individuals, including psychiatric professionals with LGBTQ+ clients.


The LGBT National Help Center

Offers confidential peer support connections for LGBTQ+ youth, adults and seniors, including phone, text and online chat.


The Library of Congress – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month

The collections of the Library of Congress contain many books, posters, sound recordings, manuscripts and other material produced by, about and for the LGBTQ community. The contributions of this community are preserved as part of our nation’s history, and include noted artistic works, musical compositions and contemporary novels. The Library’s American collections range from the iconic poetry of Walt Whitman through the manuscripts of the founder of LGBTQ activism in Washington, D.C., Frank Kameny. View resources, here.


The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. Access resources, information & support for LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round.


Members, check out more LGBTQ+ related content in our Resource Library, here.

  • Provide an intellectual framework, understanding and organization of family wealth management content
  • Educate advisors and family offices on how best to support evolving UHNW families
  • Provide thought leadership, insights and resources to advisors and family offices
  • Promote best practices, provide professional development and support sustainable, positive change within our industry
  • Foster an equitable, collaborative and safe learning environment within the wealth management industry