Demystifying Risk Management For Family Offices

With 20% of family offices having been a target of a cyberattack, security and privacy are more important than ever. Author, family office subject matter expert and The Institutes’ Director of Associate Membership, Edward V. Marshall, demystifies risk management for family offices, outlining best practices and offering tips to avoid common pitfalls. In this paper, he covers:

  • Ever-evolving risk trends.

  • Which family office frameworks increase risk.

  • What family offices can do to minimize security and privacy threats.

  • What the family office industry needs.



  • Provide an intellectual framework, understanding and organization of family wealth management content
  • Educate advisors and family offices on how best to support evolving UHNW families
  • Provide thought leadership, insights and resources to advisors and family offices
  • Promote best practices, provide professional development and support sustainable, positive change within our industry
  • Foster an equitable, collaborative and safe learning environment within the wealth management industry