On February 24, 2022, Russia officially invaded Ukraine, marking the start of a humanitarian disaster of historic proportions. In just a few months, many have died, and more than six million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their home country as refugees, all while resources such as oil, gas, wheat and medicine continue to be scarce for those who remain.

To help high-net-worth individuals and their service providers learn how to truly leverage their resources to support those impacted by this disaster, the UHNW Institute recently compiled a panel of experts for a Leaders’ Council Event. During this event, panelists offered insight into the lessons we can learn from Ukraine through a UHNW lens so philanthropic families can make an impact during times of crisis.

Some of the specific topics discussed during this panel include:


The video replay from this Leaders’ Council Event is available for UHNW Institute members in the member portal here.

If you are interested in learning more about joining, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Meet the Panel:

  • Provide an intellectual framework, understanding and organization of family wealth management content
  • Educate advisors and family offices on how best to support evolving UHNW families
  • Provide thought leadership, insights and resources to advisors and family offices
  • Promote best practices, provide professional development and support sustainable, positive change within our industry
  • Foster an equitable, collaborative and safe learning environment within the wealth management industry